About WordPress
WordPress began in 2003 as just a single piece of code to enhance typography handling. It is now the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world. It’s open source, free to use, and millions of developers are working to enhance it every day.
WordPress itself is essentially a large collection of PHP files and an associated MySQL database. There are two options when it comes to installing WordPress: you can either have it hosted by a free provider such as wordpress.com, or you can install it on your own own server (i.e that of your web host, which could be us).
There are many advantages to having your own installation of WordPress: you are able to theme and configure it in exactly the right way for you, and you’re able to take advantage of the thousands of “plug-ins” which developers have created for it.
About our WordPress training
We currently offer bespoke training in how to get up and running with WordPress and use any aspect of the CMS. Please contact us for further details. We are also in the process of writing a training course to introduce users to the WordPress blogging platform. The course will take trainees through everything they need to know from downloading WordPress to choosing a suitable host, theming a site, installing plug-ins and much more.